
Are We in an AI Hype Cycle?

A hype cycle, as Gartner defines it, is formed by the five key phases of a technology’s life cycle: a…

1 year ago

AI, Humanity, and Jobs: What Does the Future Hold?

Apparently, my job is in danger. And so is yours.  We have all seen those social media posts and viral…

1 year ago

Is My AI Hallucinating?

Not too long ago, I was writing a piece on the RUL of assets in modern industries. And, like any…

1 year ago

The Best Way to Boost Your Business? It’s AI

Still figuring out what product you should list next on your e-commerce marketplace to maximize profit? Looking to optimize your…

1 year ago

Climate Change and the Game-Changing Potential of AI

Carbon capture? Check. Electric vehicles? Check. A veritable smorgasbord of strategies are being deployed in our planetary rescue mission. The…

1 year ago