
Biocentrism: On Life and the Universe

Biocentrism is an ethical perspective that profoundly challenges our conventional view of the world. It asserts that all forms of…

7 months ago

Cheating Death: Biohacking for Longevity

Ever since the first human stubbed a toe and thought, "Ouch, that's decidedly not ideal," we've been on a relentless…

1 year ago

What is Bioprinting?

Bioprinting is a new technology that uses 3D printing to create living structures. It's like using a special kind of…

1 year ago

What Is Brain Computer Interface?

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that creates a direct communication path between your brain and a computer or…

1 year ago

What is Aging?

Aging is the gradual process of change that occurs in all living things over time. It's not just about getting…

1 year ago

Mind Your Neurorights

Brains — marvelous mushy masses that hold the key to our uniqueness. Naturally, the emergence of Brain Computer Interface (BCI)…

1 year ago

Bioprinting: From Printing Press to Printing Flesh

Picture this: a loved one needs a new liver, but there are no donors available. In the past, this would…

1 year ago